Resources for
GP Focused Publications
Targeting Cancer has a growing body of literature tailored to the busy GP to enhance knowledge about modern radiation therapy (radiotherapy).
We encourage visitors to download the articles below on radiation therapy technology advances for localised prostate cancer, brain metastases, high risk cancers and more.
Volunteer ROs contribute to the materials and are often contactable for more information and clinical educational collaborations.
- Chen HHW, Kuo MT. Improving radiotherapy in cancer treatment: Promises and challenges. Oncotarget. 2017;8(37):62742-58.
- Leech M, Katz MS, Kazmierska J, McCrossin J, Turner S. Empowering patients in decision-making in radiation oncology – can we do better? Molecular Oncology. 2020;14:1442-60
- Merie R, Gabriel G, Shafiq J, Vinod S, Barton M, Delaney GP. Radiotherapy underutilisation and its impact on local control and survival in New South Wales, Australia. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2019;141:41-7.
- Gorayski P, Pinkham MB, Lehman M. Advances in radiotherapy: Ensuring balance in the discussion. Australian Family Physician Vol.44, No.11, Nov 2015
- Turner S, Gorayski P. Attuned to radio – Radiation Therapy is an essential element in cancer therapy. Australian Doctor. Mar 2015.
- Turner S, Gorayski P. Radiotherapy use in Cancer. Australian Doctor. Dec 2014.
- Duchesne G, Turner S, Cronje S. Around the Globe – Radiation Oncology in Australia. International Journal of Radiation Oncology. Vol 90, No.5, Sept 2014. Pages 1-6
- Turner S. Targeting Cancer Campaign – One Year On. The Australian Hospital and Health Care Bulletin, Summer 2015 44-47
- ROHPG. Radiation Oncology Health Program Grants (ROHPG) Scheme 2020 review report 2021 [Available from: radiation-oncology-health-program-grants-rohpg-scheme-2020-review-report.
- Next generation radiotherapy in Australia – New horizons for eliminating Prostate cancer – Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia,
- What are the indications for radiotheapy for distant metastatic diesase? Interview with A/Prof Jeremy Millar, Director of Radiation Oncology, Alfred Health
- What is brachytherapy and how effective is it for prostate cancer? Interview with A/Prof Jeremy Millar, Director of Radiation Oncology, Alfred Health
- Gorayski P, Pinkham MB, Lehman M. Advances in radiotherapy technology for prostate cancer: What every GP should know. Australian Family Physician 2015;44:663–67.
- Shakespeare TP, Chin S. Long-term decision regret after post-prostatectomy image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology (2016) 1-5
- Daniels CP, Millar JL, Spelman T, Sengupta S, Evans SM. Predictors and rate of adjuvant radiation therapy following radical prostatectomy: A report from the Prostate Cancer Registry. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 60 (2016) 247-254
- Niloy R. Datta, MD. Emanuel Stutz, MD. Susanne Rogers, MD. Stephan Bodis, MD. Conventional Versus Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Localized or Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis along with Therapeutic Implications. Published on 22 July 2017.
- Prof. Anders Widmark, MD, et al. Ultra-hypofractionated versus conventionally fractionated radiotherapy for prostate cancer: 5-year outcomes of the HYPO-RT-PC randomised, non-inferiority, phase 3 trial. Published on 18 June 2019.
- Haines Ian. The scandal of prostate cancer management in Australia Medical Journal of Australia Issue 45, 21 November 2016.
- Johnston TJ, et al. Mortality Among men with Advanced Prostate Cancer Excluded from the ProtecT Trial. Eur Urol (2016),
- Hamdy FC, Donovan JL, Lane JA et al. Prostate Testing for Cancer Treatment (ProtecT) Trial Study Group, 10-Year Outcomes after Monitoring, Surgery, or Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine, 14 September 2016 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1606220
- Donoval JL, Hamdy FC, Lane JA et al. Patient Reported Outcomes after Monitoring, Surgery, or Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine, 14 September 2016 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1606221
- Hamdy FC, Donovan JL, et al. Prostate Testing for Cancer Treatment (ProtecT) Trial Study Group, 15-Year Outcomes after Monitoring, Surgery, or Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine, 11 March 2023
- Catton CN, Lukka H, Gu CS, Martin JM et al. Randomized trial of a hypofractionated Radiation Regimen for the Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2016.71.7397 Journal of Clinical Oncology, 15 March 2017
- Kok. D, Wang A, Xu W, Chua M, Guminski A, Veness M, Howle J, Tothill R, Kichendasse G, Poulsen M, Sandhu S, Fogarty G. The changing paradigm of managing Merkel cell carcinoma in Australia: An expert commentary. 30 May 2020.
- Khong J, Gorayski P, Roos D. Non-melanoma skin cancer in general practice. Vol.49, No. 8, August 2020.
- Poulsen Mike Skin Cancer and Radiation Therapy presentation , Darling Downs Skin Cancer Conference. Non-melanoma Skin Cancer.
- Gorayski P Poulsen M. Look out for AEIOU, Merkel Cell Carcinoma: Therapy Update. Australian Doctor. Nov 2016
- Gorayski P, Pinkham MB. A lucky catch – A simple lesion prompts quick treatment for this potentially dangerous condition. Australian Doctor. Sept 2015.
- Huo M, Gorayski P, Pinkham MB, Lehman M. Advances in radiotherapy technology for non-small cell lung cancer: What every GP should know. Australian Family Physician Vol.45, No.11, Nov 2016
- Tailby E, Boyages J Conservation surgery and radiation therapy in early breast cancer- An update Australian Family Physician Volume 46, No.4, 2017 Pages 214-219
Head & Neck
- Head and Neck Cancer Patient Support Book produced by ‘The Swallows’ Head & Neck Cancer Support Group
- Lapuz C, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S, Bernshaw D, Khaw P, Narayan K. Stage 1B cervix cancer with nodal involvement treated with primary surgery or primary radiotherapy: Patterns of failure and outcomes in a contemporary population. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 60(2016) 274-282
Metastases (brain, bone)/Palliative
- Excellent clinical overview of the role of palliative radiotherapy
- Palliative radiotherapy at the end of life: A critical review
- Gorayski P, Pinkham MB. Brain metastases- The changing management of brain metastases requires a multidisciplinary approach. Australian Doctor, Oct 2015
- Morris L, Gorayski P, Turner S. Back Pain in a Cancer Patient: A Case Study. Australian Family Physician. Volume 43, No.8, Aug 2014 Pages 529-530.
- EviQ has excellent resources about all types of palliative radiation therapy courses including information about rationale, logistics, toxicities etc
Information Flyers
- What is Radiation Therapy, Targeting Cancer, April 2015
- Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer, Targeting Cancer, April 2017
- Informed Decision Making in the Management of Localised Prostate Cancer Position Paper, RANZCR, June 2018
- Prostate Cancer Treatment Options, Cancer Institute NSW Fact Sheet, June 2016
Virtual GP Education Evening
Targeting Cancer has a put together a virtual GP education evening video to allow the busy GP to enhance their knowledge about modern radiation therapy. We encourage GPs and other health care professionals to watch all the videos to gain a better understanding of common cancer management issues. The videos focus on the role of radiation therapy in general practice and include a tour of the radiation oncology department.
Other Useful Resources for GPs
Find additional information about cancer types, research groups, and support groups.