Other Useful


EVIQ has detailed information about radiation therapy treatments for anal cancer and vaginal changes after radiation therapy.

Cancer Council Australia has information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of anal cancer

The Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group (AGITG) and the GI Cancer Institute aim to improve treatments for people with gastro-intestinal cancer through research and clinical trials.

Cancer Council Australia has information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer

Cancer Society New Zealand has information about Bladder Cancer.

BEAT Bladder Cancer Australia – Bladder Cancer, Education, Awareness & Support, Treatment & Research provides information, experiences and practical advice to help patients through your bladder cancer journey

The Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group (ANZUP) aims to improve treatments for people with urogenital cancer.

Bowel Cancer Australia is a community-funded national charity dedicated to prevention, early diagnosis, research, quality treatment and care, so everyone affected by bowel cancer can live their best life.

Cancer Council Australia has information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of bowel cancer.

The Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group (AGITG) and the GI Cancer Institute aims to improve treatments for people with gastro-intestinal cancer through research and clinical trials.

Cancer Society New Zealand has information about bowel cancer.

Visit eviQ for more information regarding radiotherapy for brain cancers and brain metastases.

Cancer Council has information about types of brain cancer.

Cure Brain Cancer Foundation – Information regarding brain cancer and also support information.

Cancer Council Australia has information about causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Network Australia is Australia’s leading breast cancer consumer organisation. Their website has information for patients about care, treatment and support.

EVIQ has detailed information about lymphoedema after breast cancer treatment.

The McGrath Foundation is a charity aiming to provide education, support and awareness for people diagnosed with breast cancer.

EVIQ has detailed information about radiation therapy treatments for cervical cancer

Cancer Council Australia has information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer.

Cancer Society New Zealand for information about cervical cancer.

Canteen Australia is a charity providing programs, events, resources and information for 12-25yr olds and their families affected by cancer.

Head and Neck Cancer Patient Support Book produced by ‘The Swallows’ Head and Neck Cancer Support Group

Julie McCrossin, our ambassador shares the story about treatment for oropharyngeal cancer (link to Julie’s video)

Visit Julie’s Facebook page to read information for head and neck cancer patients, families, friends, and clinicians.

Head and Neck Cancer Australia.

Cancer Council Australia has information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of kidney cancer.

Cancer Society New Zealand has information about kidney cancer.

The Leukaemia Foundation – National charity dedicated to assisting people with blood cancer such as leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, MDS, MPN.

Arrow The Bone Marrow Transplant Foundation has provided financial support for BMT patients and their carers throughout their treatment & beyond, helped health care professionals further their training in BMT related areas, and funded life-saving research into bone marrow and stem cell therapies.

No resources

Cancer Council Australia has information about causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer

The Lung Foundation has information for patients about care, treatment and support for lung cancer.

EVIQ provides detailed information about radiation therapy for lymphoma.

Lymphoma Australia is a charity that provides support for people with lymphoma.

If you are in New Zealand, Cancer Society NZ provides information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of lymphoma.

Melanoma and Skin Cancer Advocacy Network has excellent information for patients and their carers/referrers about care, treatment and support, including great podcasts.

Melanoma New Zealand champion melanoma prevention, detection and patient care for all people in New Zealand.

Cancer Council Australia for information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of melanoma.

Melanoma Patients Australia (MPA) is an independent, not for profit organisation dedicated to supporting and representing those affected by melanoma.

EVIQ provides detailed information about radiation therapy treatment for Melanoma

Melanoma Institue of Australia is a national affiliated network of melanoma researchers and clinicians.

Cancer Council Australia for information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of myeloma

If you are in New Zealand, Cancer Society NZ for information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of myeloma

Melanoma and Skin Cancer Advocacy Network has excellent information for patients and their carers/referrers about care, treatment and support, including great podcasts.

Cancer Society New Zealand has skin cancer information.

Cancer Council Australia has more information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer.

EVIQ provides detailed information about radiation therapy treatment for skin cancer, including SCC, BCC and Merkel cell carcinoma.

https://www.sunsmart.com.au/ AND https://www.sunsmart.org.nz/ has excellent information about prevention and sun safe behaviour.

No resources

Cancer Council Australia has information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer.

Australia New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group (ANZGOG) aims to improve treatments and survival rates for people with gynaecological cancer.

EVIQ provides detailed information about vaginal changes after radiation therapy to the pelvis.

Understanding palliative care is an excellent book from Cancer Council Australia.

Palliative Care Australia is the national peak body for palliative care.

Advance care planning involves planning for your future health care.

EVIQ provides detailed information about radiation therapy treatments for pancreatic cancer.

Cancer Council Australia has information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer or if you are in New Zealand

The Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group (AGITG) and the GI Cancer Institute aims to improve treatments for people with gastro-intestinal cancer through research and clinical trials.

The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation has resources and support for people living with pancreatic cancer.

No Resources

EviQ has information…

Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia is dedicated to reducing the impact of prostate cancer on Australian men, their partners and families.

Cancer Council Australia..

ABC Radio Canberra, Interview with David Letts, Prostate Cancer Survivor and Associate Professor Sandra Turner, June 2017

Haines Ian. The scandal of prostate cancer management in Australia Medical Journal of Australia Issue 45, 21 November 2016

Prostate Cancer Treatment Options Cancer Institute NSW Fact Sheet, June 2016

Comparing Treatment Results Of Prostate Cancer- Prostate Cancer Results Study Group- Updated June 2015

LDR Brachytherapy: Latest Advances In Prostate Therapy Treatment- BJUI Supplements

What is brachytherapy and how effective is it for prostate cancer? Interview with A/Prof Jeremy Millar, Director, Radiation Oncology, Alfred Health

What are the indications for radiotherapy for distant metastatic disease? Interview with A/Prof Jeremy Millar, Director of Radiation Oncology, Alfred Health

Donald Patterson was the 400th man to be treated with LDR brachytherapy. View his experience.

Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer, Targeting Cancer, April 2017

EVIQ provides detailed information about both short and long courses of pre-operative radiation therapy for rectal cancer, and about vaginal changes after radiation therapy to the pelvis.

Cancer Council Australia has information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, screening, diagnosis and treatment of rectal cancer (grouped together with colon cancer).

The Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group (AGITG) and the GI Cancer Institute aim to improve treatments for people with gastro-intestinal cancer through research and clinical trials.

Australia and NZ Sarcoma Association (ANZSA)

Cancer Council Australia soft tissue sarcoma

Cancer Council Australia bone sarcoma

EVIQ provides detailed information about radiation therapy treatments for gastric cancer.

Cancer Council Australia has information about signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer.

The Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group (AGITG) and the GI Cancer Institute aim to improve treatments for people with gastro-intestinal cancer through research and clinical trials.

For information about testicular cancer and treatments, as well as access to support.

Further access to support for testicular cancer patients.

Helpful information for testicular cancer patients, families, friends, and clinicians.

The experiences of other Australian men who have undergone testicular cancer treatment.

Cancer Council information has information about thyroid cancer and radioactive iodine treatment.

Cancer Society New Zealand has information on thyroid cancer.

Cancer Council has more information about uterine cancer.

Cancer Society New Zealand has information on uterus cancer.

Cancer Society New Zealand has information on endometrial cancer.

EVIQ provides detailed information about radiation therapy for gynaecological cancers.

EVIQ provides detailed information about preparing your bladder and bowel for pelvic radiation therapy.

Cancer Australia has information about endometrial cancer.
Cancer Council has information about vaginal cancer.

EVIQ provides information about vaginal changes after radiation therapy to the pelvis.

EVIQ provides information about radiation therapy after other cancer treatments.

Cancer Society New Zealand has information on gynaecological cancers including vulval and vaginal cancers.

This site has information about vaginal cancer.


No Resources

General information on keloid scarring.

General information on Dupuytren’s disease.

No resources

No resources

No resources

For Patients and GPs

Cancer Council Australia – Cancer charity providing support for people with cancer from the point of diagnosis through to treatment and survivorship.

Cancer Council call 13 11 20 or visit https://www.cancer.org.au/support-and-services

Cancer Voices is a consumer advocacy group raising a voice for those affected by cancer through advocacy, involvement, awareness and information.

Services Australia delivers a range of government payments and services for Australians at times of major change.

Managing side effects

Long Term Follow-Up of Highly Selected Basal and Squamous Cell Carcinomas in Skin Cancer Patients

Superficial radiation therapy for nonmelanomaskin cancer: A review

The Australian BRAGG Centre for Proton therapy and Research provides detailed information about Proton Therapy, which is a precise, non-invasive radiotherapy that can destroy cancer cells while minimising damage to surrounding healthy tissue including vital organs.

TROG Cancer Research Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group is one of the largest cancer clinical trials groups in Australia and New Zealand, and is focused on radiation treatment, for the many types of cancers it can treat.

Cancer Council multilingual cancer information.

Cancer Institute NSW information for multilingual communities.

What is cancer?

Understanding cancer talk.

Cancer Institute NSW information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Plan.

Our Mob and Cancer

Cancer Society NZ

LIME Network | Leaders in Indigenous Medical Education

The Cancer Council NSW has useful information about how cancer and its treatment may affect LGBTQI+ people – lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other diverse sexualities and genders, as well as people with intersex variations.

Further Information
You can ask your Surgeon or General Practitioner for a referral to a Radiation Oncologist for a discussion about whether radiation therapy is a suitable treatment option for you.

Radiation Oncologist

The best person to talk to is a radiation oncologist. You can ask your doctor for a referral to find out if radiation treatment is right for you.

GPs and Health Professionals

Information for any health professional involved in a patient's cancer care with a particular focus on primary care providers.

Talking to Your Doctor

Your GP or other doctors in the cancer team can organise a referral to a radiation oncologist.

Treatment Centres

Search and find your closest Radiation Oncology Treatment Centre.

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