Radiation therapy cures cancer and improves quality of life. It is more effective and faster with less side effects than ever before. 1 in 2 people with cancer can benefit from radiation therapy.

This Targeting Cancer website is for people with cancer, their families and loved ones, and the wider medical community to improve their knowledge and access to radiation therapy. It is a trusted source of information written by cancer experts, including radiation oncology professionals and cancer consumers.

Targeting Cancer is a not-for-profit initiative of the Faculty of Radiation Oncology of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR).

Radiation therapy helped cure my cancer. Everyone with cancer deserves the best care, no matter who we are or where we live. Ask your doctor if radiation therapy can help you.
Rosanna – Cancer survivor, carer and advocate

Key Statistics

Australians were diagnosed with cancer in 2022.
from Health New Zealand ǀ Te Whatu Ora in 2021.
1 in 2
patients with cancer may benefit from radiation therapy during their illness.

Radiation therapy contributes to more than half of cancer cures. It also has a very important place in helping people with cancer that cannot be cured.

Treatment Process

Watch our video to find out what happens when you have radiation therapy.

You can find your nearest group of Australian or New Zealand radiation therapy centre by entering your address or postcode.
Your GP or other doctors in the cancer team can organise a referral to a radiation oncologist and nearest centre for you to be assessed.
A trusted source of information developed by highly trained radiation oncologists in the care of patients with cancer.

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